"THE CHANGE OF THEORY" The families of Suvarlawada Tanda – East Godavari are surely experiencing Goodness, Hope for a Bright Future.

The families of Suvarlawada Tanda – East Godavari are surely experiencing Goodness, Hope for a Bright Future. What an honor to inaugurate the MSMEs of the Water plant, Azolo tanks, Kitchen Gardens, Backyard Poultry Coops, and Bamboo mechanization in building livelihoods of Women, and Smallholders Farmers through the “Locally Lead Community Development under HHAI Project”. We have built the capacity of the villagers through strong social capital using our Corner Stone trainings and VBHCD models. Now the community women and smallholder farmers believe in themselves and became one single community to help themselves. The change in the livelihoods of women and smallholder farmers, building their capacities and empowering them towards sustainability.

Community – Owned Azola tank: This intervention will help to mitigate the feed crisis and cost for their livestock as an alternative feed supplement. The community believes in collectivization and supports each family based on their need.  
Community-Owned natural kitchen garden: The families of this tribe will consume for nutrition and will sell the excess produce to the local market to generate additional money to Close the Living Gap.

Community-Owned Bamboo Machine: Earlier it took months to build bamboo products which affected their livelihood and incomes. By building the capacity and creating access to finance to establish MSME, the community can multiply the production and income twice.

Community–Owned Water Plant: This water plant will create direct and indirect employment for the youth of the community and solve the drinking water problems of all the neighboring tribal villages. 
The diversification of incomes through Agriculture, Livestock, Natural Farming Kitchen Gardens, and the new skills to create decent livelihood, while having nutritious food.

Chicken Coops Inauguration: This Back Yard Poultry bio-security Coop helps families with nutritious food and an additional income. “A sure income which will help the families despite uncertain agricultural incomes,” said a women farmer.