The Theory of Change: "BE THE CHANGE"

Promoting Climate-Smart Agriculture across the tribal belts of Andhra Pradesh, with the Small Holder Farmers and empowering women in the CHANGE.

SEEDS plays a vital role in Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), and aims to address the challenges posed by climate change in agriculture while ensuring sustainable agricultural production. Seed distribution to encourage and support farmers practicing CSA while creating CSA Seed Banks at the community level.


Promoted and distributed diverse seed options to enhance agro-biodiversity. Diverse seed varieties enable farmers to cultivate a range of crops with different characteristics, including tolerance to adverse climate conditions to reduce vulnerability to climate-related risks and enhance ecosystem resilience.

Building capacity through training, demonstrations, and intervention initiatives. Crop management techniques and conservation practices empower farmers and make informed decisions based on their specific climatic and market conditions.

The Heifer team and GVK team played a key role in bringing the change, targeting 2500 Small Holder Farmers who lost 3 cycles of crops due to climate change.

Thank you Heifer International Grameena Vikas KendramWalmart Cargill for all the support.
#agriculture #sustainable #climatechange #biodiversity #theoryofchange #climatesmartagriculture #circulareconomy

Access to climate-resilient seed varieties that are adapted to local conditions to withstand climate extremes such as drought, heat, or flooding. They can help farmers mitigate the risks associated with climate change and ensure better crop yields.